Meet our Entertainers: Maria!

It’s time to meet another entertainer! This time it’s Maria!

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What do you when not working for Puddles?

When not in Puddles I love to have some time for yoga which really helps with my overall health and mood. I also am currently on a two-year Musical Theatre course which I am loving. It consists of dance, acting and singing, which I would say is my focus for the future.

What are your favourite hobbies?

My hobbies consist of a similar nature- singing, yoga. I do love to pop down to the theatre when I can to catch a show/play or musical. I really enjoy art and designing too.

How long have you been working for Puddles?

I have been working with Puddles since around November 2018.

What is your favourite party game?

My favourite party game is Pass the Parcel.

What’s your top tip for throwing a great party?

Top tip for a great party: you’ve got to have music, be engaging with everyone and move on to the next activity if the room isn’t responding anymore.

Describe yourself in three words:

Thoughtful, creative, considerate.

What’s your favourite memory from a Puddles party?

When a particular birthday girl came up and gave me a massive hug at the end of her party!

What is your favourite party food?

Favourite party food: fruit

If you could be a cartoon character who would you be?

Totally Spy

What is a fun fact about yourself?

Fun fact about myself: I am a very good cook

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Adventurous, environmentally friendly and hassle-free parties, throughout London

Adventurous, environmentally friendly and hassle-free parties, throughout London
