Summer Birthday Kids Parties - Encanto Themed Party at Islington Ecology Centre

Hi everyone

I hope you’re enjoying the warm weather.

Summer parties and sunny weather are on the horizon, so it's the perfect time to organise a birthday party for your child. We’re already getting a lot of enquiries for July, so it’s good to contact us early.

We love doing themed parties and decorating the space with our beautifully made backdrops. Our entertainers are also happy to put their costumes on!

Perhaps, you would like to add some hot and fun Colombian spirit to the party by inviting Mirabella and her family from Encanto. Or you might be looking for an icy party with iconic princess Elsa and princess Anna. We have you covered.

Encanto is now an equally popular party theme as Frozen. We’re really excited about it. Just have a look at this magical Encanto party at Islington Ecology Centre we ran recently.


But don’t worry, Frozen is still one of our favourite themes!


What’s more, you can actually mix both themes at Puddles parties, so your child can celebrate their birthday with Elsa and Mirabella. Why would you have just Elsa, when you can have two super fun and exciting characters at the party! This sounds like a lot of fun to me!

If you’d like to find out more about Puddles parties, please email us at We’re more than happy to help out!

